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If I feel sad now, will I always feel sad?

This entry was posted on July 22, 2014

As I do from time to time, I picked up an old notebook I haven’t filled up yet and I took it out to write… But I didn’t feel very inspired so instead I read over the last couple of pages of notes to myself.

Like everyone, my life has had ups and downs and this was clearly one of the downs but listen to the wisdom that works it’s way through my pen. I’m sure sometimes when I’m writing it’s my intuition speaking.

Am I worried that because I’m sad right now, that I’ll always be sad?

Here was the answer to my question:

“Are you engaging in lots of problems that don’t really matter? We all think our well being will be effected by our choices and then we get paralysed by our thinking because we want more than anything to be happy.

But being well and being happy will never have much to do with whatever next big choice you make. It has everything to do with who you are, how you move through life, the little choices you make every day, how beautiful your inner world is and how in touch you are with your energy.

So you’ve lost some of your spark… You’re running on only batteries. Don’t waste time, plug into the mains, plug into the universal energy. You’ll be in a better position to handle what life’s brought to you.”

Massive thank you to the wisdom that came through!

How to plug into the universal energy mains when you’re running on spiritual batteries?

I have a two-pronged approach.

1. Time on your own – let your body remember what slow feels like. Go to bed early because better sleep helps us regulate our emotions.

2. The actual plugging in – for me is a form of meditation. I pause for a moment. Feel my energy in my hands. Feel my energy in my body (to me it’s like tingles). I let my mind relax, then heighten to the feeling of energy all around me. Then I totally and fully surrender to the universal energy that is just bursting to flood my system with millions of tiny white sparks. It’s an expansive, exciting and peaceful feeling all at once. Then all I do is sit there until I feel compelled to move. Usually when I do move I start giving myself some self healing by placing my hands on my body.

After this I often do another meditation. So it can take from 15 mins to 2hrs depending on how badly I feel I need/deserve the rejuvenation.

There are other ways too, often the intention is enough. I’ll do more practical things choose a week and block out time for myself & commit to being alone and rejuvenating my spirit through reading, writing, taking long showers, writing letters to people I love, saying prayers or just sleeping.

Obviously there is a huge difference between feeling sad and being depressed. In this instance I was just sad and I was sad because I was making a big deal out of possible future decisions that were so far away I couldn’t action them yet. I wasn’t in the present moment and I was disconnected to the one thing that always makes me feel like everything will be alright – the universal energy. However, if anyone is concerned they might be depressed it’s always best to consult your dr/medical practitioner.

Much love,


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