Fiona Lundy
Modern Mystic. Life Coach. Spiritual Teacher. Writer.
Services are currently offered online via FaceTime. Some courses will remain in person.
Reiki is a non invasive natural method of healing that harnesses the energy of the universe.
£70 (for 50mins)
Psychic reading
Psychic Readings are an intuitive look at your life, what's currently there and what's peeking round the corner.
£75 (for 45mins)
Life Coaching. Spiritual Mentoring. Meditation Courses. Learn Reiki 1, 2 & 3. Psychic Development courses.
Packages available
Get in touch
Give me a call or text | 07766521118
Session Times | 10am-8pm
Monday - Friday
(£15 additional charge
for appointments at 8pm & on Friday's)
Contact me anytime!
If you can't get through straight away, I'll either be in appointments, eating, sleeping or looking after my son, but I will always get back to you as soon as I can. Please leave your name, number and when you'd like an appointment.
Join the Good Vibes Newsletter - drop me a text!

I'm Fiona, I'm a healer, psychic & spiritual teacher. I'm all about the good vibes, great energy and happiness rooted in healthy habits and a positive mindset and I'm dedicated to helping you find your sparkle again!
If you're looking for Reiki in Wokingham or a Psychic Reading in Wokingham (or via Skype) or you're looking for a like minded local spiritual lady, to help you develop your spiritual gifts, that's me! I love all things Reiki, healing, energy, meditation and coaching.
My Background
I'm based in Wokingham, Berkshire, where I also grew up. I had a very blessed upbringing where magical things were an every day occurence. I'll tell you more about that later!
On the surface I appear to have had a very 'normal' upbringing. I loved learning and excelled at school and university. So, it's not too surprising that I have enjoyed a corporate life as a Head of Learning and Development. I was delighted when I realised that there was a job out there, that would pay me to learn and teach many of the things that help people become the best they can be. As you can probably tell, learning and teaching are some of my main passions in life, so you'll see a lot of that in my spiritual work too.
One of the things I’m often asked is"How did you get into all this?"
The truth is, this was my path. When I was a child I wanted to be an author or a barrister but even then, I knew I would be well known for my gifts. I remember when I first knew, I was standing in the playground in Infants school, I'd just finished reading Narnia and I had a clear feeling "a knowing" that I'd be known for my gifts and that would be my work. I spent my childhood learning and refining my energy skills everyday under the guidance of an awesome spirit guide. He taught me through energy games and discussions and his teaching style has influenced the way I teach my students now.
My spiritual work really kicked off when I went to university. Me and my friend had arrived early for one of our lectures and she asked why I had my hands on my knees. I replied "I'm just making them feel better, when they're sore, my hands get hot and then they get better". She kind of nodded but looked a little confused and didn't mention it again, until a year later when she said, "My Mum's not very well, would you come do that thing you do on your knees to my Mum?". From that moment, I gained my first client, a wonderful lady called Ginny, who insisted that she paid me, she even bought me a therapy bed and went on to tell lots people about me. From that point onwards, I started supporting people with my gifts.
& now?
I'm here to serve and one of my greatest joys is supporting my clients on their journey back to health and happiness through healing, intuition, training groups and online training programmes (more to come on that).
I live in Wokingham, Berkshire, but in this day and age I'm blessed to be able to work with clients all over the world (thank you FaceTime & zoom!). For the foreseeable future, all my appointments will be online or via distance healing.
Want a little bit more?
Before I give you a little bit more, a great way to find out more about me and my work is to sign up to my newsletter, (it's sporadic because I only share when I've got something of value to share with you).
Join the Good Vibes Newsletter - drop me a text!
Here's that little bit more I promised ... and it's some of the most important lessons I've learnt!
1. Everything is energy
2. We are always a vibrational match with our experience
3. Take responsibility for yourself (not blame, but responsibility)
4. The purpose of life is to experience joy
5. Accept only what feels right for you