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Spiritual Cleanse with Sage

Spiritual Cleanse with Sage

This entry was posted on May 20, 2013, in Space Clearing, Spiritual Wisdom.

Okay I’ll be brutally honest… I always thought all that hocus pocus about sage being a powerful spiritual cleanser was a load of rubbish. But yesterday I was proven wrong.

I went to see a lovely friend of mine who said she thought I needed a spiritual cleanse and asked me if I was up for it… Yes definitely!! I might be a natural skeptic but I’m an open skeptic.

So there I stood in her beautiful apartment with her wafting sage all around me and I could hardly believe it when I started getting huge tingles up and down my body. I could feel my energy quicken even in just the couple of minutes she took wafting the sage around me. Incredible!!

I’m sure her intent had something to do with it, but now I know… There really is a magical quality about sage! It’s sparked an interest in me, now I want to know if all the other hocus pocus stuff has a magical quality.

Any suggestions on what I should try out first??

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